Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Q is for Quilt

Max's kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Noakes, is doing this awesome program with his class where a different letter is featured every week with themed activities, stories, word games, crafts, etc. This week's letter is Q and today, the class made a quilt. Here is an excerpt and a photo from her daily email:

Today we made a quilt with the pictures the childen made yesterday. Mrs. Gordon, a volunteer, showed the children the three parts to making a quilt: the pictures, the batting in the middle and the backing. See attached picture of our quilt

It's hard to see with the size of the photo here but Max's square is the orange star on the lower right quadrant.

We spent part of the night talking to Max about all of the quilters in our lives like Auntie Krysta, Auntie Karen and Kerry. Super cool!

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