Despite the promise of very large crowds and scorching weather, we decided to head downtown for Canada Day. Max wanted to see Will and Kate and John and I were curious as well. We weren't planning on going onto Parliament Hill but the gates opened just as we were walking by so we went for it. We got a nice piece of lawn and the boys were super, super patient while we waited an hour or so for the big show to begin at noon. It was quite the show, with the pomp for Will and Kate, a very low and loud fly-by of CF-18s, the Snowbirds, Cirque du Soleil-style acrobatics, and very good music on stage. We stayed for almost an hour of the show and had a very good view of the Duke and Duchess. Then it got way too hot and crowded so we bid a hasty retreat. All in all, it was an experience that I will never forget and that is saying something for someone who mostly avoids Canada Day in Ottawa altogether.

Our first stop as we headed up Sparks Street to the festivities was a great display by the
Currency Museum. They told us to come back later for more games and treats as they were just getting set up.

A wee picnic before the Hill got much more crowded.

The boys finally hitting their heat and patience limits. We left VERY shortly after this photo was taken.

Free ice cream in the blissfully cool garden atrium to cap off our time downtown - many, many thanks to the Currency Museum.
We spent the early evening at Kerry's for a delicious BBQ and then early to bed to get ready to head to the cottage in the morning for Leo's birthday and family extravaganza. More photos and stories to follow!
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