Thursday, October 21, 2010

Daddy rocks at "letters"

John will hate me for shouting this news from the rooftops but the boys and I are so proud that it must be done.

As you might know, John has travelled to Lake George, NY for a Scrabble tournament in mid-October for the last number of years. He goes with a group of friends and they have an absolute blast no matter what happens on the Scrabble board. This past weekend was no different; he went down with some great friends for a guys’ weekend of playing the game that he loves, hanging out, enjoying “wholesome” American pub food, "educational" American TV shows, and more.

The big difference this year was that HE WON THE TOURNAMENT. He was ranked 28th of 28 players in Division 1 but he went 12-3 over three days and won the whole thing. The field included various former world and national champions, so this was no small feat. His rating has shot up and he is ranked in the top 75 in North America and top 15 in Canada. Not to mention the little bit o' prize money he brought home!

This win is especially wonderful considering that John doesn’t play nearly as much as he used to with our two niblets at home. Apparently, he’s still got it!

In the words of Max, GO DADDY GO!

Yes, this is an old picture:)

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