So for those of you who aren’t counting with one of those magic wheels that all OBs and midwives seem to have, we’re just past the 37-week mark and all is well. So the bun has pretty much cooked in the oven all that it needs to, and now we've got it on broil to get that nice crispy top. Holly has yet to say anything about being done with pregnancy, but I'm sure it's coming, given her reduced sleep, sore/swollen parts and reduced mobility. For those of you who know Holly, you’ll understand why not being able to do ten things at once irritates her.
Here are the vital statistics regarding the pregnancy that everyone should know:
1. The due date is September 15th 2007, the same day as my dad’s birthday.
2. Our primary caregiver is currently a midwife with the Ottawa Midwives’ Association. Originally, there was a waiting list and we temporarily had an OB, but somehow we bubbled to the top of the list and are now happily in the hands of the midwives.
3. We don’t know whether we’re having a boy or a girl. Despite the fact that this causes the most minor of conveniences while shopping, we are treating this like the biggest surprise present ever.
4. Everything has gone generally well up to now. Holly had a little GI bug in the middle of July, but aside from that, we really couldn’t have asked for a better pregnancy.
So now for the good stuff: here are some recent pictures of the two of us:

(that’s Holly in the only remaining outfit that fits her. Over the course of the last three weeks, she’s really stretched out forward quite a bit…so quickly, you can almost see it happen. Fisherman's pants are now her are flip-flop Crocs, although even those are becoming enemies of her feet.)
We started putting this together a couple of weeks ago, when we had just gotten back from our last vacation together (well, just the two of us), up at the cottage we’ve rented for the last three years near Ladysmith, QC. We had a great time and gave ourselves a chance to become reeeallly relaxed, but were kind of uncertain whether to mark the last time just the two of us get to have fun with sadness or anticipation. We’ll have to revisit this on our next date, scheduled for 2013. In any case, there are only a couple of milestones left: Holly's last day at work for a year (Aug. 31) and our brief trip to Peterborough on the long weekend to celebrate her grandpa's birthday.
Over the next little while prior to the birth, we’ll fill this space with more blah blah about the past 9 months as well as things that are happening each day as we get ready. We’re really excited to meet Mini Stardom (not the actual name, don't get excited) and get to know him/her over the coming years.